Fast Forward Video Strategy: The Full Series

Room 214
2 min readNov 8, 2017


Is your video strategy moving you forward? Video is the №1 way to connect your content marketing to your audience, convey your message and meet your business objectives.

It also happens to be a lot of creative fun.

But too many brands and marketers approach videos as one-off projects, rather than an ongoing business imperative. Consistently creating video content that delivers results requires a strategic approach.

Our free Fast Forward Video Strategy series helps you do just that: From ideation to distribution.

Sign up below, and we’ll send you the entire series to enjoy and to use in your own strategic planning. Here’s what you’ll get:


Four in-depth videos featuring Room 214’s marketing experts guide you on why and how to craft your video strategy. You’ll learn how to define your business objectives and KPIs, create a vision for your ongoing video content production, distribute your videos, and ways to experiment with cool new advances in video technology.

Video Strategy Resources

Free downloads including a Strategic Video Brief Template, Content Audit Checklist, Video Distribution Checklist, and New Video Technology Resource List.

Expertise articles

Dig deeper into video content marketing with an article series on topics including: Video metrics, blockchain and the future of video consumption, copywriting and how to build your internal content marketing team.

Subscribe here and we’ll email you a link to the four-episode video series, the free downloads and associated expertise articles. Whether your objective is to increase sales, grow leads, or build an enthusiastic fan base, you need a video strategy to propel you forward. We hope you enjoy it!

Originally published at on November 8, 2017.

About the authors: Jason Cormier is a co-founder and leading strategist at Room 214. With a rich history in information architecture, user experience and online marketing, Jason contributes to the social media and digital marketing efforts that help brands create online communities, tell meaningful stories, and gain more customers.

James Clark, co-founder of Room 214, is compassionate, intuitive and fiercely loyal. With that description, he probably should have been a defense lawyer. Instead, he ended up majoring in journalism and taking those skills into the public relations world. James is passionate about the transformational power of truth in storytelling. He is driven by creating valuable relationships.



Room 214

Room 214 is a Boulder, CO-based Growth Studio 🌱 helping businesses drive growth with more ease and less risk. Creators of the Coherence Method 〰